Your Surgery
Your Surgery
The staff of the Blackstone Valley Surgicare is pleased that you and your physician have selected our facility for your surgery or procedure. You are a valued guest; we will endeavor to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible.
As we want all aspects of your surgery to go as smoothly as possible, please use this section for instructions on how to prepare for and for what to expect after surgery.
After Surgery
Once you are in stable condition, you will be discharged. Most patients are discharged one to three hours after surgery. It is normal to experience sleepiness and dizziness for 12 to 24 hours after surgery.
Post Care:
You will receive verbal and written post-surgical care instructions (please follow these instructions). Your escort must be available to discuss and sign these instructions before you will be allowed to go home. If you experience anything unusual after your surgery, please call your surgeon or go to the nearest emergency room.
A nurse from our center will call you after your surgery to check on your recovery.
DO NOT PLAN TO DRIVE yourself home or use public transportation after your procedure. A friend or relative or dedicated caregiver MUST stay with you for 24 hours.
Anesthesia may be provided by a combination of board certified physicians and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA).
Providence Anesthesia, Inc. has been providing Anesthesia services for the facility since 2000. PAI is the largest anesthesia practice in the state with a combination of physicians and CRNA’s. Although there are over 50 practitioners in the group the facility has the same primary doctors that staff the facility on a daily basis.
The physicians included in this group are:
Crisitna Veloso, MD
Barbara Lofereski, MD
Richard Browning, MD
CRNA’s employed or contracted by Providence Anesthesia, Inc.
Maureen Adams
Paulette Champion
Kristen Chase
Diana Medeiros
Barbara Beauregard
The types of anesthesia provided range from sedation, regional, and general anesthesia.
Before my Surgery
The center’s pre assessment nurse will contact you by telephone before your scheduled surgery to compile a short medical history and answer any questions you may have regarding your upcoming surgical procedure.
Please call the pre assessment nurse at the surgery center at 401-243-0022 the business day before surgery to verify your surgery time, there may be scheduling changes, which could affect the time of your arrival.
Careful attention to the following instructions will help ensure your comfort and reduce the possibility of complications. Failure to comply may cause your surgery to be postponed or cancelled.
- Food and Drink:
Please do not eat or drink any milk products or food after midnight the day prior to surgery.
You should have a light supper, and fluids are allowed until midnight. You may have clear liquids (black coffee, tea, apple juice or soda) until four hours before your surgery.
- Alcohol:
Do not drink alcohol for at least 12 hours before your arrival.
- Smoking:
No smoking after midnight the night before your surgery.
- Makeup, Nail Polish, Jewelry (including body jewelry):
Please remove all these items before surgery.
- Clothing:
Wear loose, casual, comfortable clothing to fit over dressings.
- Valuables:
Please leave valuables at home.
Notify The Center & Your Surgeon If:
- You have an elevated temperature, cough, cold, vomiting or diarrhea between your last visit to the surgeon and the day of your surgery.
- You suspect you may be pregnant.
- You are taking: diet pills, aspirin, ibuprofen, or certain herbal medicines. You may need to stop taking these 1-2 weeks before your surgery. You can discuss this with your surgeon.
What You Need The Day Of The Surgery:
- Information To Bring: Insurance cards, photo ID, Medicare or Medical Assistance information, numbers and addresses.
- Driver: You must plan to have someone drive you home. Do not plan to use taxis or other public transportation.
- Escort: A friend, relative or dedicated caregiver MUST stay with you for 24 hours.
- Legal Guardian: A legal guardian must be in the center AT ALL TIMES for children and dependent adults.
- Care For Children: If you have young children at home for whom you normally care for, plan for someone else to care for them for at least the first 24 hours following your surgery.
- Interpreter: If the patient cannot read, speak English or use sign language, and interpreter is required. If you need assistance arranging for an interpreter, please contact the Pre Assessment Nurse at 401-243-0022 as soon as possible.
Children and Special Needs Adults
Special Care For Children:
We give children the extra care they need in an unfamiliar setting.
Please refer to the Before My Surgery and Day of Surgery for further tips, as well as the guidelines on this page for children. Following these instructions may prevent delays or cancellation of the surgery.
- Drink:
Children may have clear liquids up to two hours before either arrival. This includes water, apple juice, soft drinks and Kool-Aid. NO milk or orange juice.
- Food:
Children must not eat anything for six hours before their arrival. Please do not allow them to chew gum, suck on candy or swallow toothpaste before surgery.
- Parental Care:
We require at least one parent to remain in the center during the surgery and recovery. Please do not bring other young children along. If your child’s surgery is scheduled near noon, you may want to bring a lunch for yourself while you are waiting.
- Personal Comforts:
Please bring your child’s favorite blanket, stuffed animal or toy for added security.
- After Surgery:
You will be able to be with your child as soon as he/she is awake and medically safe for transfer after recovery.
Special Care For Special Needs Adults
We understand that loved ones who depend upon others for daily living require special attention. Besides the guidelines in the Before My Surgery and Day of Surgery, the following tips, will help make care for these adults easier:
The legal guardian needs to sign the consent for surgery and anesthesia on or before the day of surgery.
For Admission
Please bring the patient’s recent health history and medication information. Be certain to follow the food and drink rules in the Before My Surgery section.
Personal Attendant
As with other patients, special needs patients require a parent, legal guardian or other responsible adult to remain at the center from admission through recovery. A personal attendant will be required to stay with the patient for 24 hours after discharge.
Day of Surgery
What you need to know for the Day of Surgery
When you arrive at our center we ask that you check-in at the registration desk to verify personal, escort and insurance information.
Following Admission
After checking in at our center, you will be brought to the admitting area where you will be asked to change into a surgical gown. The nurse will obtain or verify a health history including height and weight. Temperature, pulse and blood pressure will also be measured. An anesthesiologist will discuss your anesthesia with you and answer any questions. The nurse will have you sign a Consent to Surgery form, acknowledging your understanding of the procedure and permission for you surgeon to perform the scheduled procedure. If the patient is a minor, the consent form must be signed by a parent or guardian. At the appropriate time you will be escorted to the operating room. During surgery your escort will stay in a waiting area. When ready for discharge your escort will join you in the recovery room to review discharge instructions.