Molecular (thermal cycler)
Applied Biosystem PRISM 7000 Sequence Detection System:
The ABI7000 Sequence Detection System (Q-PCR / RT-PCR) is a sequence detection instrument capable of quantitative and qualitative detection with fluorescent-based PCR chemistries. This instrument is capable of quantitative detection using real-time analysis, and qualitative detection using end-point and dissociation-curve analysis. It can be used with TaqMan probe-based chemistry or intercalating dyes such as SYBR Green.
The 7000 SDS instrument combines thermal cycling, fluorescence detection, and application specific software. It detects accumulated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product cycle-by-cycle, thus making quantification available immediately after completion of PCR, without the need for further process analysis. The instrument utilizes a 96 block configuration.
Bio-Rad ChemiDoc Molecular Imager:
The Bio-Rad Molecular Imager ChemiDoc XRS is a gel imaging system which is based on CCD high-resolution, high-sensitivity detection technology and modular options to accommodate a wide range of samples and support multiple detection methods including fluorescence, colorimetry, densitometry, chemiluminescence, and chemifluorescence. The system is controlled by Image Lab™ software and can accommodate a wide array of samples, from large polyacrylamide gels to small agarose gels and various blots. The system is an ideal accompaniment to PCR, purification, and electrophoresis systems, enabling image analysis and documentation of restriction digests, amplified nucleic acids, genetic fingerprinting, RFLPs, and protein purification and characterization.