Protocol Review Committee
The mission of the RWMC Protocol Review Committee (PRC) is to conduct prompt internal scientific review of all new clinical cancer research protocols within the Cancer Center, including therapeutic, prevention and supportive care trials. The PRC will monitor on-going clinical trials for quality control and scientific integrity and will promote equitable utilization of resources and uniform protocol implementation.
The PRC is comprised of physicians, investigators, and staff who are dedicated to the scientific conduct of cancer clinical trials at RWMC. The PRC meets on a monthly basis to deliberate and review new and ongoing clinical cancer protocols.
All investigators interested in activating new cancer clinical research trials at RWMC are required to submit the trial for PRC review. For more information please contact Frances Dallesandro , Protocol Office manager at (401) 456-2698 or e-mail to
Contact Information
Frances D’Allesandro, C.C.R.P.
Protocol Office Manager, RWMC Protocol Office
Phone: 401-456-2698
Fax: 401-456-2658