Pathology Laboratory
The clinical laboratory provides services twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. The anatomic pathology lab provides services during regular business hours, with the exception of autopsy services which are provided seven days per week. The laboratory has an extensive test menu providing high complexity on-site testing with only 2% of the testing sent to reference laboratories.
Clinical Laboratory: chemistry, special chemistry, toxicology, hematology, immunology, specimen collection, and specimen processing.
Transfusion Medicine: includes blood bank and serology.
Microbiology: includes bacteriology, mycology, mycobacteria, and parasitology.
Pathology: autopsy services, cytology, histology, molecular pathology, and pathology services.
Outreach Services: marketing, client services, specimen collection (provided for patient service centers, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes, college infirmaries and home collections, physician office laboratories, pathology specimen ourier services, and clinical research studies).
Blood Bank (Transfusion Medicine): 401-456-2160
Chemistry Laboratory: 401-456-2133
Cytology Laboratory: 401-456-2148
Client Services: 401-456-2601
Hematology Laboratory: 401-456-2141
Histology Laboratory: 401-456-2144
Immunology Laboratory: 401-456-215
Microbiology Laboratory: 401- 456-215
Pathology Office: 401-456-2162
Patient Reports: 401-456-2351
Phlebotomy Scheduling: 401-456-2135
Specimen Receiving: 401-456-2530